Keystone Cleaner provides services to both Residential and Commercial clients
Carpet Cleaning/Stain Removal
Professional hot water extraction cleaning lifts and suspends fine particles of soil, then careful extraction flushes them from carpet fibers. This service is provided to you through a two step process. First, a pre-treat solution is applied to the carpet and agitated with a carpet grooming brush. This steps helps to loosen dirt and soil locked in the carpet fibers. Next, the carpet is then cleaned using solution and hot water extraction powered by a truck mounted carpet cleaning machine. This step helps remove all dirt and soil in the carpet loosed by the pre-spray and also helps to bring the spring back in the carpet. As your carpet dries the solution also encapsulates dirt or soil left behind in the carpet that will then be removed when vacuumed.
Upholstery Cleaning
Upholstery cleaning is completed using the same steps as carpet cleaning with some adjustments. When cleaning upholstery the water pressure is lowered and a upholstery tool is used instead of a standard carpet wand.
Tile Cleaning
Keystone Cleaner also has the equipment to clean your tile and grout. This process consists of applying a cleaning agent that is then scrubbed and extracted using a water pressure set at 900 psi.
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